VESDA is a very advanced and reliable very early fire detection system which detects a potential fire very early giving you that extra time before the fire becomes big and difficult to control and thus saves you a lot of damage, downtime and cost of suppression release.
It’s a fire detection system that offers the earliest possible warning of a potential fire. A system that will ensure business continuity and freedom from nuisance alarms. A system that can adapt to the unique characteristics of any given environment. One that delivers high performance through its high quality design and its dedicated global sales and distribution channels. With hundreds of thousands installed globally, the VESDA name has become synonymous with high performance very early warning smoke detection. It is the product chosen when reliable performance is crucial.
VESDA Air Sampling Smoke Detection Systems are recognized as the global market leader and provide very early warning smoke detection solution all around the world. VESDA detectors have been proven for decades in industries such as telecommunications, power generation, warehousing, clean rooms, and manufacturing/storage services.
VESDA is an ideal solution when:
- Business continuity is very important
- Smoke is very difficult to detect
- Area to be protected is difficult to access.
- Unobtrusive detection is needed .
- Fast evacuation is difficult.
- Environment conditions are difficult.
- Suppression system requires different levels of warning at different stages of fire.
Conventional Photoelectric Smoke Detector and Smoke cum Heat Detector
All of detectors meet the requirements of UL 268 and EN 54-7/5 for use in Fire Alarm signaling systems. They are intended for use in 2-wire/4 wire Class A or B supervised zone circuits.
The AD 333 Series detectors are subject to panel compatibility limits and compliance with corresponding NFPA 72E standards, local codes, and ordinances.
Heat detectors meet the requirements of UL 268 and EN 54-7/5 for use in Fire Alarm signaling systems. They are intended for use in 2-wire/4 wire Class A or B supervised zone circuits. The Series detectors are subject to panel compatibility limits and compliance with corresponding NFPA 72E standards, local codes, and ordinances.
The conventional series of Heat detectors were designed with precise CPU control and thermistor detection. Its state of the art combination of “Rate of Rise” and “Fixed Temperature” ensures the best quality of heat detection in all environments.
Standalone Detector Series photoelectric smoke detectors are designed in accordance with UL-217, EN-146045 IC & BS 5446 and manufactured under the best quality control. The series alarm are adopted the reliability UL-certificated infrared components. It alarms also act as a smoke sensor and/or a 1350F heat detector at the same location.
Heat detectors are designed & manufactured under the best quality control. It act as a fix temperature & issue the signal to control panel at 1350F .
The Electronic sounder is designed for use within fire alarm systems, security systems and industrial signaling systems. Combined sounder and beacon provides an audio-visual warning which is suitable for place which requires high sound output and visual indication.
The unit is designed to ensure that Alarm Signal can be actually transmitted to all locations. To prevent any missing signal specially for the close room.